My Progress - 4 Parts Done!

So far I have completed 4 parts in total, up until this point it hasn't been to hard to complete the parts. I have run in to a few errors when I have over defined some parts, or under defined them. I decided that I want to knock out all the parts that I'm comfortable with doing, before I move on to the parts that I am not so confident on.

Up to this point I have used a range of features, obviously I have used the revolve to create the majority of parts here, I have also used quite a few extrudes and extrude cuts. I used helix's the the thread tool for the first time in making these parts.

I was dreading the thread as I just didn't know how to measure is and how to produce a quality thread. After a few tries, and tinkering I got the thread to work. The thread on the top collar part was a double thread which meant I had measure the pitch then double it when making the first thread. I think the threads just require a bit of attention then they can be made to work quite easily.

Here's what the finished product looks like

I have used in-context modelling to make all this parts, I found that it made the process a lot faster and accurate as the dimensions were already there and they were easy to reference off. One really notable part that in-context modelling really helped with was the collar on the top.

This Part was made SOOOO much easier because of the in-context modelling. Being able to use the other part as a direct reference was super useful.

Overall the only thing that I struggle with and gave me trouble was the threads, and small divots on the out side of the screw cap. it wasn't so much the divots themselves that gave me trouble it was that I was trying to the extrude after I had patterned them, which my computer could not handle. to solve this issue I extruded first then patterned it which made it much lighter on my PC for some reason.
