Main Pump Body Mechs- COMPLETE!!

I have just finished the main pump body mechanisms and overall it wasn't to hard, although it was challenging and it did have it's hard parts. Now all the mechanical modelling parts are complete, including the spring I get to start the spout and the bottle.

Up until this point of the modelling I have used a range of features, them being revolves, extrude, extrude cuts, helix, sweeps(for the compound spring), and patterning. I have learn a lot about how helix's and patterning, not so much as how to use them as I already understood them but more so how to use the efficiently and when and where to apply them.

This is the point that I am up to so far:

Out of this whole Assembly the main parts that I struggle with were the variable spring. The compound spring it made using a different technique to the static spring, not only that but the compound spring needs to have direct relation to the other parts for it to be dynamic in the assembly. When I was first placing the spring into the assembly I was trying to mate the length line of the spring to the other parts in hope that it would move. Unfortunately I learnt that this is not that case, after some messing around and tinkering with the whole thing I found that if I made both ends other the spring length reference line concordant to the relative parts it would move. 

Here is what the finished product looks like:

Above image is bottle mech in a down position.

Above image is bottle mech in a up position.
